Омар дал интервью после концерта (на испанском, потому ссылку давать бессмысленно ), перевод на английский с Коматориума прилагается. Весьма интересное интервью - Омар рассказал наконец-таки то, о чём я давно хотел услышать: как он оказался в Vato Negro и какова его роль в группе, которая не является его проектом. Ну и ещё кучу интересных вещей, конечно же.
S: Start by telling us what made you participate once more in this project called Vato Negro together with Alderete and Parks?
O: they are my friends, my family, people that move me and Juan started this project not so long ago, releasing a record under Vato Negro, and then he invited me to play with them and I said:? Its ok, but you know that once I?m in the dynamics will change totally.? I have a strong dominative nature. He said that that was what he wanted, to create a new sound for this record. I am the director of Vato Negro at the moment, which has nothing to do with the old Vato Negro and the one that follows, so when I started to write songs for this band I said to myself that the first thing I want to do is to bring my drummer Deantoni Parks and that?s awesome because it will become a trio and there is nothing similar as to be in a trio, is so much fun, just the drums, the guitar and the bass ? its great.
S: What do you think is the thing that makes Vato Negro differ from the similar sounding projects?
O:The matter, there are people who say ?ah! Now Vato Negro sounds exactly as Omar Rodriguez? , is exactly the fact that I have such a dominative personality in music and even when we play music together.
I don?t know if I see it differently, but that?s just my personality, my music is who I am, its what I think about, its what I live, I can tell you that there isn?t much difference, but what it does have is the contrast between not particularly the sound but the process, because with my music , Omar Rodriguez, the Mars Volta and so on, I am the one who dictates, I write everything from the bass, to the keys, the drums etc. as for with Vato Negro we can work more as a team, I compose songs but we also play songs composed by Juan or Deantoni and that?s something I haven?t done for 10 years, its completely different for me, I had to step out of my comfort zone.
S: Whats your opinion on the indie scene in Mexico?
O: The bands that I know of are awesome, but I don?t know much of them because I don?t go out a lot, and I went out not so long ago and saw Apolo and I really liked them , I would love to work with them, also I worked with Le Butcherettes from Guadalajara. I made a song with Troker, they have plenty of music, lots of things are happening to them, they made a movie in Guadalajara where I got to meet so many people that made art, lots of good expressive things, regarding theater and painting, some of them as directors, which fascinates me because its not the same as in U.S where people tend to talk more instead of create more and as in Mexico, at least from what I have experienced in Guadalajara, the people are constantly doing something all the time, creating, inventing, causing energy to move and that?s excellent, that?s what I like because that?s who I am.
S: We know that you like cinema and that you?ve made a couple of movies. If you were to be a genius of cinematography who would you be and why?
O: I don?t know, and I don?t even know why (laughs) , but for me there is no separation between cinema, music, eating, having to have this conversation or to coexist with my mother, to be with my woman, to me they are all the same, a grand project and the project that happens life to be, to get better at being a human, how to cure the world from all the diseases that society caused, that?s the purpose, the records and the movies are all products of the project and I am living it.
Both cinema and music are the expression of what I carry deep inside of me, of what I am learning as a human being, when I get into a fight with my brother we sit down and discuss the problem, I realize new things but unconsciously I am still treating him as when he was 4, and he isn?t 4 anymore, but that?s how our relationship is but I have to realize that he is 25 now and I must start treating him as an adult which he is, that?s what?s important, that?s the project and that?s where the notes derive from, where the visuals and the ideas come from and from where the product gets born, the record or whatever, but the process of making that record and the conflicts that take place during the process that?s what counts, it?s the key to it.
S: Why did you choose Mexico to introduce Latin America with Vato Negro ?
O: The possibility of it came all of sudden, Juan is chicano, he likes his roots, and he always wanted to play In Mexico in a place more intimate and honest, and then I proposed him the idea of doing a show here and he agreed.
Even though I am the director of Vato Negro, there is some difference from The Mars Volta where I do what I want just as so and in Vato Negro I have to check first with Juan: ? hey, what would you like to do, hey I wanna do this, this will be the title?? I have to check everything with him, because he is the one who formed the band, he is the one who hired me, he is ?The President of Vato Negro State?.
S: Lets say that the Mayan theories about 2012 were right and everything will end. What more you have left doing Omar?
O: Everything, because I am still learning, I still have to work on being a better person, I always have to look in the inside to see what can I do to become a better human being, especially when a conflict takes place, to make an introspection of things, its quite easy for anyone to see when the problem occurs on the outside, but its much more complicated to look in the inside and ask yourself what is it that you can do to improve the circumstances.
As regarding the 2012, my opinion is that if something is coming to an end, something also has to start all over again, something will begin, if something dies its because something was born, that?s the important thing about it, and I don?t perceive it through periods, everything is a cycle, the transfer from one energy to another, the law of polarity.
S: How would you define that thing you have that makes every one of your projects, records, movies you release sound different and yet we know it is ?you? ?
O: It?s the dynamics of life, there are days when I am in a bad mood and a record is release, then the other day I am in a good mood and then a different kind of record is released, then there are days when everything goes super smooth and that ?sound? comes on the surface , and there are other days when I am all negative like ?No, i must end everything!? (laughs) and another one is released, but the most important thing is to take it out, to take it out of you. Its like a polaroid photo, I take it and there it is, the result is not that important and it doesn?t make me sad if someone dislikes it, wha happened before that result is whats significant, the fact that I?ve found the means, the tools which enable me to suddenly say:? I feel bad, a record, I feel bad, I write a film, I feel bad, I ____ to my mother, I feel bad, I go and talk to my wife, etc?? and thank God I have these things to help me through life, there are people who don?t have this things, that have no one to talk to and let it out and they go mad, I wouldn?t want to go mad.
И ещё - пост с Vato Negro'вского фэйсбука:
"Working on coming to South America in June/July...Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru..."
Решили, наконец, уделить внимание странам Южной Америки Как ни странно, Вольта там нечасто играла. _________________