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DoktorAvalanche miranda

Зарегистрирован: 20.02.2010 Сообщения: 478 Откуда: Minsk, Belarus
Добавлено: Сб Ноя 06, 2010 9:32 pm Заголовок сообщения: Alavaz Relxib Cirdec |
Итак, вчера на страничке сайта TheMarsVoltaItalia.com на Facebook была выложена ссылка на ютубовское видео (точнее, как всегда, набор фотографий под музыку) Live Private Booths (Long Version) - одной из двух песен с сингла Седрика, изданного под всевдонимом Alavaz Relxib Cirdec. Суть не в этом, а в том, что сам Седрик откомментировал это видео! И раскрыл некоторые секреты этой записи:
i haven not heard the entire version in a long time. i only have like a couple hundred copies left in a box in my garage. this is my failed attempt at ghost noted shuffeling tony allen beats! ha! there is a digital tabla machine running through some dd-5 delay pedal that is being played by a mini hand held tape recorder playing through out! i wrote the bass line...hummed it to juan...omar came up with the guitar and chorus section and adrian played flute on it. it was squeezed in during tracking drums for amputechture, and rushed..very very rushed.i had other parts and chorus bits but i didn't want to get in the way of the record(studio time is expensive!) the samples are from 2 places and they have nothing to do with crypto samples...the crypto samples are real conversation that omar recorded of himself and the infamous ralph jasso. on 'private booths' the samples at the start are from a interview with a psychic who participated in the 'montauk project'...i sampled it from a uk tv show called disinformation(rip!) the episode talks about how the government used this chair for psychics in a lab in the east coast(nj or nw?) it was used for time travel. apart from hunting down nazi gold, as one of it's missions... this particular mission was to find jesus on the cross and take some of his blood back to the future. the other sample is from a movie called shock corridors by the late sam fuller side 2 sapta loka is a bit of an homage to ambient german music from the 70s....its one long drone spliced in 4 places and stacked on each other playing at the same time. a shitty casio and a banged up chaos pad(very 2005!) are being run and its all recorded through a hand held mini recorder dumped onto a protools file.its supposed to sound like that and for those of u with no patience...yes nothing does happen thats the point. for those of u who liked it thank you.(...) omar co wrote the piece.
(мне лень переводить, кто знает инглиш, тот разберёт )
Сам сингл, кто не знает, можно найти здесь: http://www.themarsvolta.ru/audio/side-projects.htm _________________
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Ила miranda

Зарегистрирован: 06.02.2010 Сообщения: 355 Откуда: Кемерово
Добавлено: Ср Ноя 24, 2010 1:09 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
хз фейк или нет, на youtube скинули ролик под названием Parallel universes, в нем представленны работы Джефа и Сони (Jeff Jordan and Sonny Kay), а в качестве музыкального сопровождения композиции коллектива OSO, состав которой интригует:
Cedric Bixler - drums
Ralph Jasso - guitar
Juan Alderete - bass
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtTMm60Jv0s&feature=player_embedded |
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DoktorAvalanche miranda

Зарегистрирован: 20.02.2010 Сообщения: 478 Откуда: Minsk, Belarus
Добавлено: Ср Ноя 24, 2010 3:51 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Это не фэйк, его сам Сед выложил  _________________
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Ила miranda

Зарегистрирован: 06.02.2010 Сообщения: 355 Откуда: Кемерово
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